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Upcoming concerts

Thu 13 Mar

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Wind Orchestra (USA)

Where: Culture House Ládví, Burešova 2, Prague 8 show on map

American orchestra performing in Prague as part of European tour

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Fri 14 Mar

St Mark‘s School Choir and Orchestra (USA) & Resonance Třebíč (CZ)

0 seats remain

Where: Hlahol Concert Hall, Masarykovo nábř. 248, 110 00 Nové Město, Česko show on map

American choir and orchestra perform in a joint concert with the Czech choir

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Weds 19 Mar

Windsor Music – Senior Concert Band a Takaya Chamber Choir (Canada)

Where: Novodvorská Cultural Center, Novodvorská 1013, 147 00 Praha 4, Česko show on map

Canadian student orchestra and choir from Windsor Secondary School will present a wide variety of musical genres in Prague

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Thu 20 Mar

Theatre performance Without Barriers – David Lodge

Where: Divadlo v Řeznické, (Česky) Řeznická 662/17, Praha 1 show on map

For Concert Club members we offer tickets with 40% discount, after entering the discount code KLUB200 you will get better prices!
1st category - 210 CZK (regular price 350 CZK)
2nd category - 150 CZK (regular price 250 CZK)

A hilarious and serious comedy about the role of media in the lives of artists and celebrities.

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Fri 21 Mar

Houston & Collierville High School String Orchestra (USA)

Where: Culture House Ládví, Burešova 2, Prague 8 show on map

American String Orchestra performs masterpieces by world-renowned composers

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Sat 05 Apr

Theatre performance Without Barriers – David Lodge

Where: Divadlo v Řeznické, (Česky) Řeznická 662/17, Praha 1 show on map

For Concert Club members we offer tickets with 40% discount, after entering the discount code KLUB200 you will get better prices!
1st category - 210 CZK (regular price 350 CZK)
2nd category - 150 CZK (regular price 250 CZK)

A hilarious and serious comedy about the role of media in the lives of artists and celebrities.

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Weds 09 Apr

San Lorenzo Valley High School Choir, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, & Jazz Band (USA)

Where: Church of St. Saviour, Salvátorská 1045, 110 00 Staré Město, Česko show on map

California Chorus, Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band
ATTENTION!! The concert will take place in the Church of Salvator!!!

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Weds 09 Apr

Arcadia Choirs (USA)

No booking free admission

Where: St. Nicholas's Church, Staroměstské nám. 1101, 110 00 Staré Město, Česko show on map

A concert of 28 selected singers from Arcadia, California.

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Tue 15 Apr

St Andrew’s Cathedral School Choir and Orchestra (Australia)

0 seats remain

Where: Czech Museum of Music, Karmelitská 2, 118 00 Malá Strana, Česko show on map

Australian orchestra from Sydney known for high quality musical performances

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Tue 22 Apr

St Scholastica’s Chamber Ensemble (Australia)

Where: Church of St. Martin in the Wall, Martinská 8, 110 00 Staré Město, Česko show on map

Australian Youth Chamber Orchestra Concert

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Fri 25 Apr

Moorestown High School Madrigals (USA)

0 seats remain

Where: Kostel sv. Michala v Jirchářích, V Jirchářích 152, 110 00 Nové Město, Česko show on map

The American choir, staffed by a number of outstanding soloists, is preparing to present an extensive repertoire that includes works ranging from traditional classics to contemporary sacred music.

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Fri 30 May

Musica Orbis Concert Series 2025: University of California Berkeley Symphony Orchestra (USA)

Where: Municipal House, Smetana Hall, Obecní dům, Náměstí Republiky, Staré Město, Česko show on map

The University of California Berkeley Symphony Orchestra is one of the finest youth orchestras in the United States. Its players are often graduates of the most prestigious music schools in the United States, such as the Eastman School of Music and the Juilliard School.

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Fri 30 May

Discounted package of tickets for the Musica Orbis Concert Series 2025

Where: Municipal House, Smetana Hall, Obecní dům, Náměstí Republiky, Staré Město, Česko show on map

Limited offer of discounted tickets for all concerts from the Musica Orbis Concert Series 2025

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Fri 04 Jul

Musica Orbis Concert Series 2025: San Jose Youth Symphony (USA)

Where: Municipal House, Smetana Hall, Obecní dům, Náměstí Republiky, Staré Město, Česko show on map

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Thu 04 Sep

Musica Orbis Concert Series 2025: Turkish National Youth Philharmonic (TUR)

Where: Municipal House, Smetana Hall, Obecní dům, Náměstí Republiky, Staré Město, Česko show on map

The concert will feature the Turkish National Youth Philharmonic Orchestra - an orchestra composed of selected conservatory students from all corners of Turkey

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Tue 28 Oct

Musica Orbis Concert Series 2025: Junge Kammerphilharmonie Sachsen & ffortissibros (Germany)

Where: Church of St Simon and Jude, U Milosrdných, Staré Město, Česko show on map

The ffortissibros Male Chamber Choir and the chamber orchestra Junge Kammerphilharmonie Sachsen will perform on 28 October, Czech Statehood Day, with a programme underlining the deep emotional and historical connection with Czech culture and history.

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Information on bookings and tickets

You can book and buy tickets in the Tickets section after registering and logging in to the Concert Club. You can cancel a booking in your personal profile. If anything is unclear, do not hesitate to reach out to us via the contact form or phone 222 524 388.

Concert venues

(Česky) Řeznická 662/17, Praha 1
Divadlo v Řeznické
Burešova 2, Prague 8
Culture House Ládví
V Jirchářích 152, 110 00 Nové Město, Česko
Kostel sv. Michala v Jirchářích
Novodvorská 1013, 147 00 Praha 4, Česko
Novodvorská Cultural Center
Staroměstské nám. 1101, 110 00 Staré Město, Česko
St. Nicholas’s Church
Masarykovo nábř. 248, 110 00 Nové Město, Česko
Hlahol Concert Hall
Martinská 8, 110 00 Staré Město, Česko
Church of St. Martin in the Wall
U Milosrdných, Staré Město, Česko
Church of St Simon and Jude
Karmelitská 2, 118 00 Malá Strana, Česko
Czech Museum of Music
Salvátorská 1045, 110 00 Staré Město, Česko
Church of St. Saviour
Obecní dům, Náměstí Republiky, Staré Město, Česko
Municipal House, Smetana Hall